February 25, 2021 3 min read

XLMedia: Bingo Sees Upsurge in Younger Players in 2020-2021

A new survey by XLMedia’s WhichBingo affiliate company has seen an uptick in younger generations of bingo players during the pandemic.

Bingo Gets Younger During the Pandemic 

Players are breaking away from traditional gaming and heading over for online bingo halls, a new report by XLMedia has revealed. While the pandemic has boosted iGaming and sports betting results, it seems bingo has been one of the biggest winners.

XLMedia’s affiliate company, WhichBingo, has published a detailed report outlining consumer preferences during the pandemic. With its entertaining look and lightsome gameplay, bingo halls have been winning Millennials over, the report suggests.

First, there has been a population spike with male players doubling between 2020 and 2021, and 75% of all players under the age of 44. The finding has put the idea that bingo gamers are old and just the opposite. They may, in fact, be much younger than their casino counterparts.

While previously bingo was the preserve of 35-64’s, this has changed during the pandemic, with the age groups shifting to 25-54. If WhichBingo’s data is to be trusted, the percentage of players that are over the age of 65 and still play is just 1%.

Bingo Players are Moderate Spenders 

Older gamers, those between 55 and 64, have also given up on bingo, it seems, with their total numbers dropping off by 27%. Another thing to notice is bingo players’ spending habits. Unlike the high-rolling action invited by casinos, bingo appeals to a more paced type of gamer. 

Players at bingo halls online spend between £11 and £50 a month, a fraction of what most casino players spend. In fact, the only players to have spent over £100 represent only 4% of respondents during the survey. 

WhichBingo listed Tombola and Gala Bingo as the most preferred brands for British audiences, albeit this should be taken with a grain of salt as the website runs studies to help its affiliate business. However, bingo is far from having reached its potential.

Physical Bingo Still Favorite, Online Bingo the Future 

Some 52% of respondents said that they would much prefer to play bingo in retail venues rather than online, meaning that the industry still has some catching up to do. Commenting on all these findings, XLMedia CEO Stuart Simms had this to say: 

“Our report shows the remarkable shift in the make-up of the typical bingo player. Although many may look forward to the return of those Saturday nights at the bingo hall, the industry is evolving, and technology’s influence has been essential in helping bingo keep up with the realities of busy, modern life.”

According to Simms, these changes in macro-behaviors and the coming of younger generations of players should see the game of bingo revived. Only this time, the action won’t be taking place in stuffy locations, but online where all the other gaming action is anyway. 

Lead Editor

Mike made his mark on the industry at a young age as a consultant to companies that would grow to become regulators. Now he dedicates his weekdays to his new project a the lead editor of GamblingNews.com, aiming to educate the masses on the latest developments in the gambling circuit.

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