May 15, 2020 4 min read

UK Betting and Gaming Council Starts a $12.2 Million Gambling Education Campaign

BGC starts a $12.2 million campaign planning to raise awareness about the risk of gambling in young people. GamCare and YGAM will team up in an effort to reach the young population but also educate professionals close to the youth.

UK’s Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) started a new education program aiming at raising awareness about the risks of gambling in young people. Estimated at some $12.2 million, BGC will be raising awareness among the young population aged 11-19 in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. The Betting Council’s purpose would be to reach the young population and provide one or more education sessions to students, and potentially become a part of school curriculum.

The education and awareness sessions are planned to be conducted by the Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) as well as GamCare. The current gambling awareness campaign is actually a part of the “Safer Gambling Commitments” announced last year by the BGC and in collaboration with top gambling market companies in the UK. An estimate of some 120,000 students is expected to receive knowledge of gambling-related harm.

Besides the young people, BGC will also provide training and education for some 100,000 community workers, police officers, teachers and other professionals which are close to the British youth. With this move, BGC is aiming at determining risk gambling or gambling related-harm among the young population.

BGC Delighted to Support This Initiative, Comments by Chief Executive Michael Dugher

BGC chief executive Michael Dugher commented on the subject: “As the new standards body representing most of the regulated industry, the BGC is delighted to be supporting this fantastic initiative.” Dugher continued: “Educating our young people is vital if we are to ensure that they are better informed and fully aware of the potential risks.

Dugher continued that it is really important for the professionals who are teaching the young population to be trained and keep their eyes open for symptoms of gambling-related harm. The chief executive further noted that millions of people enjoy gambling, bingo or lottery but according to him, the bigger part of the UK population does enjoy it in a safe way.

This recent campaign is also a part of an ongoing country-wide initiative which emerged due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown. In chief executive Dugher’s own words: “This important project and investment is part of our ongoing determination at the BGC to promote safer gambling and to further drive up standards.

GamCare and YGAM Executives Comment on BGC’s Program

GamCare and YGAM will be working together on the BGC’s awareness and education program. Anna Hemmings, GamCare chief executive commented:”GamCare have been working with young people and youth facing professionals to deliver gambling education for many years.” Hemmings also had to say:

GamCare have been working with young people and youth facing professionals to deliver gambling education for many years,” GamCare chief executive Anna Hemmings explained. “What we see in the classroom tends to be polarised views on gambling, and a lack of clear understanding about its potential risks.

Lee Willows, YGAM CEO and founder also commented on the subject: “Raising awareness and harm prevention education is an important component to reduce gambling-related harms.

He further stressed out: “By training professionals who have influence over young people’s learning, we will equip these professionals with the skills, knowledge and confidence to not only deliver the programme but also highlight the age-appropriate support available from GamCare.”

The producing of educational materials will be in line with proven methodology. Considering the current lockdown in the country, YGAM and CamCare will need to implement a safe way to reach their audiences and this might be done via video connection.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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