Trainee Lawyer Embezzles Money to Repay Gambling Debt
A 31-year would-be lawyer reportedly stole £100,000 (US$122,560) from the law firm at which he was apprenticing to fund his gambling and pay off gambling-related debt

The ruse ended when a regular audit brought to light a couple of suspicious payments. The 31-year-old Tauseef Sadeeq couldn’t come up with plausible explanations when questioned, leading to a deeper investigation, ending with Sadeeq being sentenced to prison time.
Sadeeq Won’t Be Practicing Law Anymore
He was the first-ever trainee at the law firm, and his ruse was going on for slightly over a year before he got caught. He was embezzling money from client compensations on 20 separate occasions by providing his own bank account to insurance companies, instead of the law firm’s account. His deception was uncovered in 2021 when the firm let him go and pressed charges.
The fraudulent transactions took place between February 1, 2020, and March 5, 2021. During this time, the company was crippled by the global pandemic, and Sadeeq was apparently amassing gambling debts, which he was reportedly paying off with the embezzled money. He pleaded guilty to all 20 counts of fraud and was sentenced to three years of prison.
The Bolton Crown Court also heard how his actions affected the law firm. The financial harm that Sadeeq imposed compounded with the difficulties brought about by the pandemic. Things took a turn for the worse when news of the situation broke out because clients started walking away. As a result of all this eight other people were let go and the company’s financial situation was seriously threatened.
The fraud that Sadeeq pulled to pay off his gambling addiction’s consequences, cost him not only three years in prison but also his budding career. He was entrusted enough by the company to move from a paralegal to the first-ever trainee and on his way to full qualification. However, breaking this trust is now costing him dearly.
Problem Gambling Is a Controversial Topic
A recent problem gambling research in the UK showed that problem gambling rates in the country are relatively stable at 0.2%. The results might be surprising for some, as reforms in UK’s gambling laws have been a hot topic for quite some time now, and problem gambling is often being mentioned when condemning the delays in implementing changes.
However, the research largely shows that problem gambling rates are indeed dropping, albeit slowly. The Betting and Gambling Council (BGC) commented that this is probably profoundly disappointing for “anti-gambling prohibitionists”, as BGC chief executive Michael Dugher put it. “Their alarmist demands are not backed up by the evidence”, Dugher said.
The problem with gambling addiction is still serious, however, and people are often turning to stealing or other crimes to fund their bad habits, and not just in the UK. A US church employee embezzled almost $600,000 to fund her gambling addiction. The fraud, and the employee’s addiction, had been going on for more than 13 years, showing that the problem can be very persistent for people.
Kyamil is a big tech fan, who loves hummus on everything and has enjoyed writing from a young age. From essays, through personal art, to news pieces and more serious tech analysis. In recent years he’s found fintech and gambling collide with all his interests, so he truly shares our core passion for the entire gambling scene and furthering the education of the mass citizen on these topics.