July 19, 2022 3 min read

The EASA Praised EGBA’s Responsible Advertising Code

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) is happy with the results of its Responsible Advertising Code. According to the body, there is a noticeable effect on the practices of its members, as evidenced by the results of the European Advertising Standards Alliance’s (EASA) latest evaluation.

The EASA Evaluated the Responsible Advertising Code

The EASA recently praised the Responsible Advertising Code for Online Gambling. The Code itself was introduced in 2020 and has since been a gold standard for the practices that members of the EGBA should follow.

The standards concern safer advertising and aim to minimize the negative impact on problem gambling rates. They also govern the volume of ads operators show since the EASA was previously concerned with the overall the amount of ads.

In its latest evaluation, the EASA used Nielsen media analytics to analyze 1240 adverts in Greece, Ireland, Romania and Sweden. The regulator carefully assessed the adverts and all details concerning them. Following its evaluation, the EASA praised the results of the EGBA’s Responsible Advertising Code.  According to the former body, EGBA’s code was a “solid basis for responsible gambling advertising” in Europe. The body lauded the Code’s comprehensive and detailed content and praised the EGBA members for correctly applying the measures.

The EGBA Was Happy to Hear EASA’s Feedback

The EGBA addressed the results. Maarten Haijer, EGBA’s secretary general, thanked the EASA for its “critical but conclusive” approach. Haijer added that advertising is an essential tool to inform the public of which operators are legal. However, there is a responsible way to proceed with it, which is exactly what the EGBA wants to do.

Haijer added that he hopes other operators will also adopt the Code and help to make the European gambling ecosystem healthier and more responsible.

We encourage other operators to sign up to the code and join our efforts to raise responsible advertising standards. The industry must get serious about responsible and measured advertising, especially with the World Cup coming up later this year, otherwise the pressure of advertising restrictions will continue to pile on.

Maarten Haijer, secretary general, EGBA

The EGBA’s job isn’t finished yet. The body will now focus on perfecting the code using EASA’s feedback. One of the main things that it will work on is improving the clarity of responsible gambling messages and customer age requirements. In addition, the EGBA will try to ensure that social media platforms don’t promote gambling content to underage customers.


Angel has a passion for all forms of writing, be it fiction or nonfiction. His curious nature gives him an ace up his sleeve when researching a new topic. Angel’s thirst for knowledge, paired with adaptability, always helps him find his way around.

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