November 9, 2020 5 min read

Q&A with COO Aiste Garneviciene: Live Games Prove a Quality Cross-Sell Opportunity

Thank you Aiste for taking the time to do this Q&A with us.

It seems that looking around for online these days returns a torrent of information.

The company is driving forays in Latin America and South Africa, building up in the Caribbean and the Balkans.

In fact, it would be very difficult for us to pinpoint your exact strategy at this point, but it looks to us that you are prioritizing growth in emerging markets.

Q: Before we get to that point, would you mind telling us a bit about BetGames.TV and its mission in the live gaming segment? How is BetGames.TV shaping up as a different casino supplier, as an alternative to others?

The live casino segment has become somewhat homogenized of late, and that’s something we’re looking to avoid at BetGames.TV. We see ourselves as a provider of live dealer betting games that deliver players something much different and something far more engaging than standardized live casino products.

All our content is developed from scratch and is intended as an entertainment format first, as opposed to something akin to pure gambling. This is why our games have gone on to be so popular across so many global markets. They’re proven to drive low-stakes, extended playtime behavior, which in turn, enhances brand loyalty to our operator partners.

With live versions of head to head poker, War of Bets and dice games, as well as various iterants of wheel games, our portfolio brings more to the table than just live casino action and it’s this point of difference that has drawn major player bases across Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Q: Your footprint is impressive, to say the least. You seem to be constantly looking out for new partnership opportunities and breaking into new markets. How do you manage this exponential growth and do you reckon there is a natural stopping point to it?

We’re well set to continue our growth for the foreseeable future. To date, our scaling has been a proactive process that’s targeted markets where we feel they host suitable demographics that would resonate with live dealer games.

We have a product set that benefits operators and engages players in both retail and digital-led countries, and it’s this flexibility which has allowed us to flourish in recent years with different markets at varying levels of maturity.

Saying that, the last year has seen our number of inbound enquiries skyrocket. With sports betting effectively shutting down in March, operators quickly needed to adapt to new verticals and fortunately, our live dealer games have proven a quality cross-sell and have found a far more visible place in the market.

Across various markets, this has held true and we’re looking forward to continuing this momentum by building on existing partnerships, while also looking for new partners to integrate with.

Q: As a company that has expanded far and wide, could you tell us your thoughts on emerging markets and their future potential?

Emerging markets each have their own nuances when it comes to tech maturity and betting styles. We’ve developed a range of games that can be tailored to each of these to ensure we reach the widest audience possible. Whether it’s through speeding up games in South Africa or ensuring mobile games can be used at low bandwidths in those countries that lack 4G infrastructure, we’re able to adapt to these maturing markets.

Q: Do you see Southeast Asia as an important growth trajectory and what are your thoughts on the region in general?

Southeast Asia as a region is challenging for gaming suppliers, but also holds huge potential. Regulation in various of its individual markets remains at its very early stages, and so it’s important to clarify our position in them now so we’re ready to scale up if they open further down the line. There’s no doubt there’s demand for our live dealer content across the region, but we’ll continue to keep a close eye on legal developments so we can be sure to serve them in the correct, responsible manner.

Q: As we approach a second lockdown, what are your expectations for this vertical going forward?

Lockdown 2.0 appears to be here unfortunately and that’s going to bring further challenges to the industry and our partners once again. Saying that, we’re well prepared to deal with this in-house so we can continue to give operators a viable alternative to lost revenues elsewhere.

When the pandemic first hit, live dealer betting games demonstrated their cross-sell ability for sports bettors. Now this is established, and we have impressive data to show for it, we can iterate our products, advise on marketing and continue to assist partner’s online transitions so they can fully reap the benefits of our games.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have this exchange with you.

Lead Editor

Mike made his mark on the industry at a young age as a consultant to companies that would grow to become regulators. Now he dedicates his weekdays to his new project a the lead editor of, aiming to educate the masses on the latest developments in the gambling circuit.

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