Parimatch Tech Supports the ‘Give a Job for UA’ Project to Help Ukrainian Refugees Find Work

Image Source: Depositphotos.com (Photo by Gitane)

Global Compact Network Ukraine, a non-profit Ukrainian organization, and Local Network Poland, together with Parimatch Tech, Happy Monday, and Jooble, established a project called “Give a Job for UA”, which aimed to help Ukrainians, who left their country due to the Russian military invasion, find a job. The project’s intention is to pull together businesses from around the world and to connect companies with Ukrainian refugees, who need work. Information on vacancies will be available free on Happy Monday and Jooble job search platforms.

Per records of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than four million people abandoned Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, leaving their homes and jobs and losing their sources of funds. 79% of the Ukrainian companies had to completely or almost completely stop their operations.

End of the Invasion Will Not Be End of the Economic Crisis in Ukraine

Even after the end of the military invasion, Ukrainians will not have the opportunity to return instantly to their homes because of existing landmines, destroyed infrastructure, and other issues, which will need time to be solved, as stated by Global Compact Network Ukraine.

Jooble, a global job search engine, and Happy Monday, a Ukrainian career platform, created special sections on their platforms for Global Compact Network’s participants and dedicated them to vacancies from European countries.

Jooble has already launched a new channel called Telegram for Ukrainians with daily job offers grouped in countries.

The “Give a Job for UA” project also includes a collection of general information for questionnaires related to job search, lists of portals for local job search as well as language learning resources, an assessment of the local regulatory prerequisites, and discussions with local entities on the allocation of jobs for Ukrainian refugees as part of their programs for corporate social responsibility.

Ukrainians Willing to Work despite Their Tragedies

Tatiana Saharuk, chief executive officer of Global Compact Network Ukraine, commented that Russian military aggression made millions of Ukrainians leave their country. The refugees passed through awful things and lost their homes, jobs, and even families. She added that, despite their tragedies, Ukrainians want to work and contribute with their knowledge and skills to those entities, which are ready to help them.

Maryna Grytsenko, chief sustainability officer of Parimatch Tech, further states that the Ukrainian economy is fighting the crisis in the country and Parimatch is trying to support it for Ukraine’s future. Backing such projects as “Give a Job for UA” would help Ukrainians to survive and would send financial sources to those who stayed in Ukraine.

Parimatch announced various actions it took in the last weeks to support the country and to back the people affected by the hostilities. It cooperated with WeHelpUkrainians aiming to raise $1.1 million for aid resources.

At the beginning of March, Parimatch stated that it had set aside UAH30 million ($ 1 million) to provide resources of vital importance to Ukrainians who are impacted by the ongoing invasion and crisis. Later, the company announced that it had doubled its financial support to UAH60 million ($ 2 million).

Parimatch closed its brand in Russia at the start of March. It also terminated its partnership with the Russian esports team Spirit.

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