August 24, 2020 3 min read

LVS Poll: Smoke-Free Casinos Supported by 72% of Gamblers

Las Vegas Advisor revealed the results of a new poll, seeking answer how gamblers feel about smoking in casinos. The results show that 72% of the responders support smoke-free casinos.

Las Vegas Advisor Seeks an Answer How People Feel about Smoking in Casinos

The results of a new poll by Las Vegas Advisor outlined how gamblers feel about smoking in casinos. In its statement, LVS noted that currently more than 150 casinos that used to allow smoking before the COVID-19 shutdown, have reopened and introduced ban on smoking.

Focusing on the poll, a total of 1523 responders participated by voting between August 5 and August 18. Consequently, the results were posted last week Thursday, August 20. The poll’s question was: “Should smoking be prohibited in casinos around the country where it’s still permitted?

The results of the poll actually broke the longstanding belief that gambling and smoking go hand in hand. Responders had to vote on one section out of 13 in total which contain statements regarding smoking in casinos.

Smoke-Free Casinos Approved by 72% of Responders

Big part of the participants, a total of 353 votes or 23% answered with the following: “Even in a staunch gambling state like Nevada, smoking indoors is banned everywhere except casinos, so I believe it should be banned in the casinos too.”

Another 19% or 296 people responded that they believe that smoking should be banned, but don’t think it will be as it may result in revenue losses. Further 233 responders or 15% said that they favored small smoking areas with ventilation system in casinos isolated by walls and doors.

Smoke-free casinos received support by 102 people or 7% of the responders who voted: “I will patronize only casinos that have banned smoking.” Another group of 68 people or 4% deemed cigarettes and smoking as a scourge on the Earth which should be outlawed.

Finally, once all votes for smoke-free casinos are combined, we see that 72% of the responders voted for smoke-free venues. According to the analysis by Las Vegas Advisor, such strong support calls for definitive changes in the Las Vegas smoking policies.

Approximately One-Fourth of the Responders Supported Smoking in Casinos 

Further to the results from the poll by LVS, smoking in casinos received support as well. Here are the number of supporters and percentage out of the total:

  • Smoking in casinos is one of the reasons I go to Las Vegas,” responded 76 people or 5%
  • I believe smoking should be allowed in casinos,” was the answer of 97 responders or 6% of the voters
  • It should be up to the casinos to determine whether or not smoking is allowed and not the government via legal intervention,” voted 110 people or 7%
  • I will patronize only casinos that have not banned smoking,” responded some 4% or 62 people

Combining the votes of all responders who support smoking in casinos, we observe that this is approximately one-fourth of the total number of people who voted.

Here we cannot miss to mention that once casinos in Las Vegas were allowed to reopen, they had to follow strict health and safety protocols aiming at reducing the possibility of COVID-19 spread. The restrictions included social distancing, reduced capacity, temperature screening, and face masks.

Furthermore, smoking drinking or dining at the casino floors was also restricted as a part of the measures aiming at reducing the spread of COVID-19. Although the topic for smoking in casinos remains highly controversial, we are yet to see how the situation will unravel.

Lead Author

With 4 years experience as an analyst, Julie—or ‘Jewels’, as we aptly refer to her in the office—is nothing short of a marvel-worthy in her attention to the forex and cryptocurrency space as she quickly became the first pick to co-pilot education to the masses with Mike.


    Stephen Hinkle
    September 13, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    I think it is time for casinos to go smoke-free. The percentage of smokers has dropped significantly in recent years, down to under 15% . Many cities and states no longer allow smoking in workplaces, restaurants and bars. The reason for going smoke-free is not just COVID-19, but instead a change for health of both the patrons and employees alike. Secondhand smoke is a carcinogen and causes cancer and other health effects of anyone who breathes it. Thirdhand smoke residue is also toxic. Many casinos across the nation have gone smoke-free and do good business. So it makes sense to go smoke-free indoors at the casinos.

    If losing business of smokers is a problem, I suggest casinos sell nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and allow people who smoke to use the smoking cessation products instead of smoking and as the result not pollute the air.

    April 16, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I agree to smoke free casinos. Several casinos in Downtown Henderson are small and reek of smoke. Whenever I walk through the place, I find only one in 5 actually smoke. Time for casinos to see the health benefits in banning smoking indoors rather than worry about the bottom dollar.

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