March 18, 2021 6 min read

Intelitics: “Our Goal is to Offer Operators a Platform that Will Allow Them to Acquire, Optimize and Scale all Traffic Types”

Intelitics is on a simple mission – bring big data to iGaming so as to allow companies to scale user acquisition intelligently. It’s not rare that we see companies set out on ambitious paths only to come short of the desired results.

Intelitics, though, believes a solution is never too far at hand. The company commits to saving businesses the hassle of reaching out to tech, analysts and partners, and rather offers an integrated solution that brings a powerful marketing punch.

Just like any intelligent solution, Intelitics’ answer is simple, but to understand where Intelitics is heading, it is important to know where they come from. Intelitics has owned and operated since the early 2000s, growing it from the premier iGaming forum, to now one of the largest iGaming specific ad networks in the industry. It is through this journey, that they identified a clear gap in the iGaming industry: centralizing all user acquisition data, from Affiliates to paid media, in one unified platform, that reports and offers actionable insights in real-time. Ultimately, the company plans to boost partners’ player acquisition and feed them the actionable data solutions that lead to better results across the board.  

Today, Intelitics is continuing to expand in the United States, a burgeoning iGaming market with unimaginable potential and certainly in need for a great data provider and the best player acquisition tactics- something Intelitics can definitely help with.

Q: Intelitics has acquired a license from the Colorado Division of Gaming last week. Is this the beginning of a new journey in the US?

Not at all, more of a continuation! We currently hold licenses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and now Colorado, with applications out in all other relevant states. Our goal is to offer operators a platform that will allow them to acquire, optimize and scale all traffic types as they face heavy competition and restrictions when it comes to user acquisition. Aside from our platform, we also are a valued affiliate in the US market, and have a few very exciting strategic partnerships on the monetization and traffic generation side that we will be announcing over the coming months.

Q: How important of a market is the United States for you? Do you see the iGaming potential in North America realized within the next five years?

VERY important. Firstly, we are a southern California based business, so the US market is our playground. There is so much opportunity for operators to acquire users through emerging paid media channels, and even more traditional channels, that are still largely untapped due to operators current inability to provide real time data in a smart and efficient way to their partners. I think what we have seen so far in the US market is a very small percentage of what is to come. Operators are going to continue to get more creative as the market educates itself, and media companies and publishers are going to innovate quickly to be able to earn market share on the user generation side. A lot of the potential is still tied to regulation, and new states opening up, but if the last few months are any indication of what’s to come, I think we are in for a wild ride over the next couple of years.

Q: What role do you think Intelitics would play to help build that market upwards?

Our goal, at an intrinsic level, is to help operators acquire the right players, for the right price, at scale. We offer the technology and the marketing services to achieve this. So far, many operators have launched and grown using the brand name for organic growth, or traditional sources of traffic, like SEO sites and media/team/league sponsorships, as well as monetizing databases that they are tied to through relationships with existing land based casino groups. As the market continues to grow and competition gets fiercer, we are already seeing operators turn to paid media as their next and much needed channel for growth. In order to succeed in that space they need the right tech, and the right team, and we offer each of those.

Q: Are there some markets you prefer over others when talking about the United States?

Obviously the states with larger populations are going to be a bigger focus for operators, but that being said, smaller states, with less competition, are also very interesting, specifically on our marketing services side of the business. It is important to remember, what would be considered a small state in the US, would be a larger market than some of the countries operators focus on globally. It is important to note, that while new states are exciting, and offer unique opportunities for brands for growth, it is equally important to focus on states where operators already have a foothold, as they have spent massive time and money gaining market share and brand recognition, so both require a unique approach and attention.

Q: How do you lead to better results for your clients?

We are not just a platform provider, we come from a background, and still do drive large traffic volumes monthly worldwide. We know what it takes to succeed, we understand traffic, how to scale and optimize, and first and foremost, act as a trusted advisor to our clients. With us, you aren’t just getting a platform, you are getting a partner, whose goal is to make sure you achieve YOUR goals.

Q: Are you planning to pursue new markets past the United States in 2021?

We already operate globally, and while the US market is incredible exciting, and there is great opportunity there, we have a large focus on helping operators in any market. Our platform is location agnostic, and we already provide our services to several European operators and networks.

Q: What do you make of the re-regulation of gambling industries in places like Germany and the UK?

Regulation is important. While it might not be easy, and we have seen the trouble it has caused operators, specifically in Q4 2020 in Germany, it is important to understand that countries are both looking to protect their citizens, but also make sure that they are earning on operations going on within their borders. We will see some operators thrive during regulation, and others get hit hard, but one thing about the iGaming industry, is operators are quick to adapt where needed, and that is one of the best parts of this world we operate in.


Stoyan holds over 8 years of esports and gambling writing experience under his belt and is specifically knowledgeable about developments within the online scene. He is a great asset to the team with his niche expertise and continual focus on providing our readers with articles that have a unique spin which differentiates us from the rest.

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