July 11, 2022 3 min read

DCMS Names Damian Collins as Online Safety Minister

The United Kingdom’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports has named Damian Collins as the new online safety minister. In this position, Collins will continue his long work on online safety.

Collins Becomes Minister of Online Safety

Collins, Britain’s MP for Folkestone & Hythe, will be responsible for overseeing the release of the UK’s upcoming Online Safety Bill. This move follows the resignation of Chris Philp, who left his position as Britain’s gambling minister in protest against Boris Johnson’s government.

Collins spoke about his new responsibilities on his official Twitter account. He shared that he feels honored to join the DCMS and is looking forward to overseeing the bill.

I’m honored to have been appointed to serve as Online Safety Minister at the DCMS. After my work on these issues over the years, I’m looking forward to taking the UK’s world-leading Online Safety Bill through its remaining stages in the House of Commons before the summer recess.

Damian Collins, online safety minister, DCMS

Just as Collins said, the Online Safety Bill is almost complete. The British government now hopes to pass the bill in the House of Commons before the summer recess.

Dugher Praised the Choice

Michael Dugher, the chief executive officer of the UK’s Betting and Gaming Council, spoke about Collins’ new position on Twitter. He lauded Collins as a “highly rated and respected” person who is perfect for his position. Because of that, Dugher called the appointment one that is “thoroughly well-deserved.”

Many congratulations to Damian Collins on his appointment as Minister at DCMS. Highly rated and respected, and thoroughly well-deserved. Someone who actually knows something about his brief too – whatever is the world coming to?!” 

Michael Dugher, CEO, BGC

Right now, the United Kingdom awaits the white paper that will make sure the country’s gambling laws are in-line with the modern age. However, the white paper keeps on getting postponed, despite criticisms from people who wanted it to be published and implemented quickly. In addition, the current resignations among the British elite are likely to lead to further delays.

The white paper may introduce major changes to how gambling in the United Kingdom is governed. Some anti-gambling parties hope that it will pave the way for the introduction of stake limits, a ban on sponsorships in the Premier League and a mandatory 1% levy, among other things.

On the other hand, pro-gambling parties have lobbied for more moderate measures that will not harm the industry and force players to migrate to the black market.


Angel has a passion for all forms of writing, be it fiction or nonfiction. His curious nature gives him an ace up his sleeve when researching a new topic. Angel’s thirst for knowledge, paired with adaptability, always helps him find his way around.

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