October 18, 2022 3 min read

Microgaming Puts the Spotlight on Safer Gambling Charities It Supports

Microgaming, which is a leading gambling software provider based out of the Isle of Mann, is going to showcase the charities it supports through its PlayItForward arm during the annual initiative Safer Gambling Week.

Microgaming Shines the Spotlight on Charities Gordon Moody, Betknowmore, Anonymind and Motiv8

Safer Gambling Week is an annual event that this year takes place from October 17 to October 23 in partnership with a huge variety of stakeholders from the UK gambling industry.

Its main purpose is to spark conversations and raise awareness about the harms of gambling and the available resources and tools people who think might have a gambling problem can access.

Gambling software provider Microgaming is going to use this platform to put the spotlight on a few charities that are doing amazing work to support people and families that are dealing with gambling addiction – Gordon Moody, Betknowmore, Anonymind, and Motiv8.

The gambling software company has a dedicated department called PlayItForward, whose sole purpose is to cater to corporate responsibility initiatives such as support for charities promoting and facilitating safer gambling in the UK.

How Have the Charities Utilized the Support from Microgaming?

PlayItForward provided financing to Gordon Moody in order for the charity to set up a special fund offering help to the families of people in treatment for gambling addiction.

Gordon Moody’s main activities focus on treatment for gambling addicts in a dedicated space where they feel safe and supported. However, their latest initiative targeted the addicts’ near and dear ones.

Director of External Engagement at Gordon Moody, Rob Mabbett, elaborated that families experience a lot of pressure when a family member is being treated so the charity decided to direct the support coming from Microgaming to a so-called Comfort Fund, which provides for such things as outings with the children and Christmas and birthday presents.

Another benefactor of the PlayItForward program is Anonymind, which is a charity providing treatment and therapy services to gamblers that are battling addiction. Andy Atha, COO at Anonymind, has explained how the funding from Microgaming has been used:

The PlayItForward donation provided earlier this year has led to several individuals being provided with convenient, effective digital treatment directly from a psychologist at their time of need. Gambling harm affects people in many different ways mentally, physically, and financially and without donations like this, we would not be able to continue offering the most effective treatment to those individuals who need urgent help.

Andy Atha, COO at Anonymind

Betknowmore is one more charity organization that Microgaming has decided to support and salute during Safer Gambling Week. The provided funding through PlayItForward has been used for important research into the ways women in particular can be supported through their struggles with gambling addiction.

As a result of this research, Betknowmore was able to develop a special support program taking into consideration the needs of women, which the charity called New Beginnings. The program facilitates peer groups as the research showed that group support is most beneficial to female gambling addicts.


Silvia has dabbled in all sorts of writing – from content writing for social media to movie scripts. She has a Bachelor's in Screenwriting and experience in marketing and producing documentary films. With her background as a customer support agent within the gambling industry, she brings valuable insight to the Gambling News writers’ team.

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