April 7, 2022 3 min read

Loterj Calls Public Hearing to Discuss New Instant and Predictive Lotteries

On Monday, April 4, the Rio de Janeiro State Lottery – Loterj published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro a Public Hearing Call Notice nº 001/2022 in order to inform that a meeting will take place on April 25, at 2 PM, at the headquarters of the company.

State Lottery Keen to Get Industry Input

According to its publication, the Loterj “informs those who might be interested in knowing that it will hold a Public Hearing in order to lead the procedures in the development of the exploitation of Instant Lottery and Prognostic Lottery modalities to carry out the operational activities associated with the games of these modalities in real-time online and through betting terminals, within the State of Rio de Janeiro.”

The aim of the lottery company is to “listen and guarantee the right, to the sector or other potential interested parties, the wide access, and all the relevant information”, as per the terms of the administrative proceeding elaborated by the state company.

Otávio Teixeira de Freitas Bastos Cunha, president of Loterj, stated that all interested parties were duly convened to the meeting in order to have access and right to all the relevant information and to be heard in the public hearing about the subject of the Loterj’s bid.

Initial Public Hearing Annulled and New Hearing Set

This proves Loterj’s intention to resume the bidding process for the implantation of new lottery modalities in the State of Rio de Janeiro. At the beginning of February, the lottery company annulled public hearing 001/2021, which foresaw the contracting of a company to provide services related to the creation of lottery products in the State.

This bidding had been suspended since July 2021 because of legal proceedings filed before the Court of Auditors of the State of Rio de Janeiro by a consortium formed by IGT and Scientific Games. The new Public Hearing will focus on the new bidding of Loterj related to instant lottery and number prediction lottery. It will take place on April 25, 2022, at 2 PM, at the headquarters of Loterj, which is located at Sete de Setembro Street, 170 – Center, Rio de Janeiro/ RJ.

Currently, Loterj has an existing contract with the Brazilian company MCE Intermediações & Negócios Ltd for the provision of various services, including the creation of products/games, storage, marketing and distribution, guidance, and execution of advertising campaigns of Loterj’s games, among others.

Around the end of 2021, Loterj and MCE, which had been accredited and authorized as “an official lottery distributor” in August 2021, launched the “Quero Vender Raspa Rio” website for those who are interested in selling Loterj Raspa Rio instant lotteries. The lottery company directly operates the instant lottery modality RaspaRio with tickets worth BRL 2 ($0.43) and with the following games and series: Bowling, Carioca, Salario Extra (Extra Salary), and DinDin.

Lead Editor

Mike made his mark on the industry at a young age as a consultant to companies that would grow to become regulators. Now he dedicates his weekdays to his new project a the lead editor of GamblingNews.com, aiming to educate the masses on the latest developments in the gambling circuit.

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