September 23, 2022 3 min read

Kylian Mbappe Strongarms the FFF To Abandon “Problem” Sponsorships

Kylian Mbappe, the French national football team’s poster boy and one of the best soccer players in the world, recently refused to participate in sponsorship activities. Mbappe is a vocal opponent of junk food and gambling, putting him at odds with high-profile companies like KFC and Betclic. The star’s refusal to attend the team’s promotional photoshoots so close to the start of the 2022 FIFA world cup sent the French Football Federation (FFF) scrambling to change sponsorship partners.

Mbappe Stood Strong in Defense of His Beliefs

The recent drama involving the Les Bleus top player does not come as a surprise. On multiple occasions, Mbappe has expressed his strong desire not to be associated with FFF sponsors, which violate his anti-gambling and healthy eating beliefs. He has already boycotted several other promotional campaigns and even got involved in a verbal scuffle with operator Winamax over an, admittedly, tasteless piece of advertising.

Fast food chain KFC has been the most vocal about what it perceives as a breach of its contract with the FFF. VP of KFC France Alain Beral even threatened legal action, but the company later begrudgingly backed down.

Mbappe has refused to have his name or image associated with products and services he considers harmful to the FFF’s image, feeling that the organization should shift focus to public health and education programs. Other senior players also joined Mbappe’s boycott, putting even more pressure on the Federation.

The FFF Had No Choice But To Relent

The French football governing body had previously refused to discuss player image rights. However, the country’s ace player simply walking out on a contract made the organization swiftly give in, consenting to virtually all of Mbappe’s conditions.

The FFF is delighted to work on the outlines of a new agreement which will allow it to maintain its interests all the while taking into consideration the concerns and legitimate convictions unanimously expressed by its players.

French Football Federation

According to official information, the Federation will consent to changes in how it uses player images and will review its sponsorship agreements, likely dropping some partners altogether. In return, Mbappe agreed to participate in the team’s sponsorship activities while the changes get implemented.

The Football Ace Is an Active Philanthropist

Mbappe is well-known for his integrity, an unusual trait for such a high-caliber athlete. The 23-year-old star donates all his bonuses and image rights earnings to charity. Despite international fame, he has thus far avoided any large scandals, although his recent clash with the FFF undoubtedly turned heads.

It is unknown whether Mbappe planned his moves from the start or just seized the opportunity when it presented itself. However, the fact remains that the man almost single-handedly cowed one of France’s most prestigious sports organizations and several high-profile global companies. Anybody else would likely have been brushed away or intimidated, but being the highest-paid soccer player in the world comes with considerable clout that Mbappe is more than willing to use for the greater good.

Deyan is an experienced writer, analyst, and seeker of forbidden lore. He has approximate knowledge about many things, which he is always willing to apply when researching and preparing his articles. With a degree in Copy-editing and Proofreading, Deyan is able to ensure that his work writing for GamblingNews is always up to scratch.

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