ITIA Banned Vernier Quinteros for Fixing Tennis Matches

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Michel Vernier Quinteros, a professional tennis player from Chile, has been found guilty of fixing matches. As a result, the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) banned him from playing professionally for the next few years.

When the ITIA first became suspicious of Vernier Quinteros, it handed him a provisional ban. This happened on March 31 this year, which will now serve as the starting date of his official suspension.

After a short investigation, the tennis pro admitted that he participated in a match-fixing fraud. He confirmed that he was paid to fix a few games in 2018 and that he also turned a blind eye to other fraud.

Vernier Quinteros Broke Several Rules

The ITIA concluded that Vernier Quinteros breached three of the Association’s rules. The player’s first breach was that he partook in an activity that influences the outcome of another person’s wager. According to the most recent version of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program, influencing the outcomes of wagers is strictly forbidden.

Furthermore, the player also breached another rule that states professionals are prohibited from not giving their best when playing. In addition, players are not allowed to throw a game for money or other benefits.

Lastly, Vernier Quinteros was found guilty of not reporting other fraud. According to the TACP, players should report any suspicious activity as soon as possible.

As a result of the investigation, Vernier Quinteros has received a seven-year ban and will be unable to play until August 30, 2029. In addition, the player will have to pay a fine. In accordance with the Proposal for Disposition framework, Vernier Quinteros was fined $15,000, half of which was suspended.

A Busy Year for the ITIA

This year has been a busy year for the ITIA. The authority has been working hard to crack down on fraud in professional tennis. This has caused it to ban numerous players and umpires from participating in events regulated by the Association.

To name a few, the ITIA banned the Peruvian pro Mauricio Echazú in January over match-fixing allegations. In April, the ITIA handed provisional suspension to Adam El Mihdawy, a US athlete. The regulator vowed to investigate the player and confirm whether he was involved with fraud or not.  In May, the ITIA successfully busted one of the biggest match-fixing rings in the world and penalized numerous players.

Sadly, players who throw games are not the only threat to the integrity of the sport. There are also many corrupt umpires who try to influence the outcomes of matches by imputing the wrong scores to their electronic devices. This was the case with three Tunisian umpires who recently got banned from participating in official tennis matches.

Categories: Sports
Angel Hristov: Angel has a passion for all forms of writing, be it fiction or nonfiction. His curious nature gives him an ace up his sleeve when researching a new topic. Angel’s thirst for knowledge, paired with adaptability, always helps him find his way around.

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