September 22, 2021 3 min read

Good News Coming to Android Gambling Fans in the US

US gambling fans are in for a treat, as Google will start featuring gambling apps in the Play Store in the country. With the new and updated program policy that the tech giant implemented, it will allow people to download gambling apps that support real-money gaming in 15 countries, the US included.

Previously Android users only had access to these types of apps on Play Store in just a few regions, such as France, the UK, Brazil and Ireland. However, starting on March 1, Android users from the US will have the opportunity to access the Play Store and browse for the best gambling apps.

Google Has a Strict Requirements Set

The change covers the following countries: Australia, Canada, Columbia, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, Finland, the US and Sweden. Logically, Google has set strict requirements set for all developers who are looking to publish various gambling products on Play Store.

For starters, each of these operators needs to be approved by the respective government and own a license that is specific to the type of games that it offers. The applications need to fall under one of the following categories, too: lotteries, sports betting, online casino games or daily fantasy sports.

Additionally, operators must implement certain safeguards in order to keep all underage players out of their mobile apps and restrict access from countries that are not covered with the said license. Finally, the gambling apps must come without any charges to download them, or in other words, they need to be free and cannot use the in-app billing system of Google Play.

The Rules in the US Vary, Depending on the State

The types of applications that Google will accept and the rule set will vary due to the fact that each state has its own laws on this topic. In the US, the case is a bit more complicated, as each state has different law sets. For example, some states allow online casino games, while some don’t.

Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania accept all types of online casino games. In Nevada, the only type of online casino game that is legal is online poker. Sports betting has massive coverage as it is legal in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Nevada, New Jersey and New Hampshire. In the District of Columbia, Montana and Oregon, only government-led operators are allowed to offer their services. In all of the US states generally, mobile wagering has been on the rise in 2021

State-run lottery operators or contractors that are affiliated with the state can operate in Kentucky, Georgia, Maine, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia and Rhode Island.

Finally, daily fantasy sports may be regulated as gambling, depending on the state. Moreover, all apps of this type are subject to the requirements of Daily Fantasy Sports Apps.

Filip Mishevski has been covering online gambling and cryptocurrencies for the past few years. He has written countless articles, how-to-guides, insights and news, and is keen on sharing his extensive knowledge in the aforementioned fields. He’s very passionate about soccer and MMA and is interested in how the online gambling industry will shape our future and thus, influence our lives.

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