German Gambling Watchdog Issues First Ad Breach Fine
The five-digit fine marks the first penalty issued by the new German gambling regulator over breaches related to gambling advertising

Germany is one of the European countries that strengthened the protection for its players within the online gambling vertical. Back in 2021, the country implemented its Fourth State Treaty on Gambling which implemented legislative changes for the gambling sector.
At the start of the year, the control of the gambling sector was assumed by the newly created German gambling regulator, the Gemeinsamen Glücksspielbehörde der Länder or GGL. On Monday this week, the gambling watchdog announced the first financial penalty implemented against a license holder over advertising regulations breaches.
“At the beginning of March, the GGL for the first time imposed a severe fine on a permitted gambling provider who did not comply with the advertising provisions of the permit,“
reads a statement released by the GGL
The GGL confirmed it has imposed a “severe fine” against a licensed gambling operator in the country. The watchdog said that the fine was five digits, but disclose what was the specific amount. Additionally, the GGL did not confirm the name of the gambling operator that breached the advertising rules.
In terms of the breach itself, the regulator explained that a licensed gambling operator engaged in advertising its services via websites that offered illegal gambling offers. This action, according to the GGL, represents a breach of the State Treaty on Gambling in Germany.
“A five-digit administrative offense notice was issued to a provider of games of chance on the Internet who, after receiving the state gambling license from the GGL, deliberately advertised his offer on websites that also advertised illegal offers,“
added the GGL
GGL Continues to Monitor the Gambling Market
Benjamin Schwanke, one of the Board members of the GGL explained that legal online gambling providers cannot use the services of companies offering illegal gambling for advertising purposes. He said that such actions result in reputation damage.
“We consider these advertising regulations to be very good and justified.“
Ronald Benter, CEO of the GGL
Ronald Benter, GGL’s CEO, explained that the advertising regulations currently in effect in the country are effective as well as justified. He pointed out that the regulator continues to monitor the offering of legal gambling operators. Moreover, Benter pointed out that breaches of gambling regulations result in fines. Finally, the CEO warned that if repeated violations are observed, the GGL may consider revoking gambling licenses.
William Velichkov is a research-driven writer. His strengths lie in ensuring factual accuracy, vetting government documentation and reaching out to regulators and other officials. He is particularly fond of financial reporting, the sports betting industry, B2B partnerships and esports betting developments. William is a strong asset to the GamblingNews team as he adds a bedrock to our reporting.