FIFA Endorses a New App Fighting against Match-Fixing

A new mobile app – Red Button by FIFPro will be helping FIFA in the fight against match-fixing. The new app enables professional footballers to report potential match-fixing and will be distributed by affiliated player associations.

The Red Button App by FIFPro Endorsed by FIFA

FIFA and FIFPro (International Federation of Professional Footballers) inked an agreement endorsing a mobile app fighting against match-fixing. The Red Button app by FIFPro will now be gathering confidential information about potential match-fixing which FIFA’s integrity department will investigate. The app’s distribution is going to happen through affiliated player associations. The Red Button app will operate in line with other platforms for match-fixing reporting by FIFA such as the Integrity App, BKMS, and others.

In its statement, FIFPro said that the new app will help protect professional football players who are concerned about potential consequences when reporting match-fixing. According to FIFPro, the new app will protect both the footballer’s careers and personal safety. The Red Button app functions in a way that ensures that no trace of the report remains on the player’s phone. Furthermore, players who report match-fixing can submit their details allowing investigators to contact them in confidentiality. 

Players that choose to anonymously report via the mobile app can do so. In such a case, the recipient of the report will only know that it was submitted by a professional footballer. The protection of the integrity of the new match-fixing app will be ensured as it is only going to be distributed to professional players. According to FIFPro, the app can be used multiple times and its design is easy-to-use. The Red Button app also features fields where photographic, audio, video, or other evidence can be included in the report.

Footballers Now Have a New Way to Report Potential Match-Fixing Safely

In a statement, Oliver Jaberg, Deputy Chief Legal & Compliance Officer and Director of Integrity & Anti-Doping at FIFA commented: “Safeguarding the integrity of football and ensuring that all participants can play in a safe environment is a top priority for FIFA.

He outlined that the new collaboration with FIFPro will provide professional footballers with another way for confidentially reporting their concerns. Jaberg said that the new Red Button app is building upon the existing platforms for reporting match-fixing, currently available on both national and international levels. Collaborating with FIFPro and protecting the integrity of football is the goal of this new initiative, concluded Jaberg.

FIFPro’s Legal Director, Roy Vermeer also commented on the subject by saying: “We are pleased that FIFA has agreed to endorse the Red Button app FIFPRO is making available to professional footballers through our affiliated player associations.” He added that FIFPro’s app will undoubtedly help in the fight against match-fixing.

According to Vermeer, when players are facing disciplinary action for failing to report match-fixing, a way must be established for them to safely report potential concerns without fearing for their careers and families. “The Red Button app provides this facility and will help players manage this considerable risk that, through no fault of their own, might confront them at any time,” concluded Vermeer.

Categories: Sports
Tags: fifafifpro
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