EPIC Risk Management Signs a 4-Year Deal with the PCA

The world’s leading independent gambling harm minimization consultancy, EPIC Risk Management, has signed a four-year deal with the British Professional Cricketers’ Association.

The Parties’ Plan for the Next Four Years

The deal will see EPIC teach the cricketers about the intricacies of preventing gambling harm and addictive states. The consultancy will do so through an educational program that will be available for all members of the association. This initiative will also include all women’s county and regional cricket teams.

The program’s first year will begin with a focus on county academies and regional women’s teams. Then, in the second year of the program, EPIC will turn its gaze to both the PCA rookies and the professional cricketers. Advancing to the third year, the consultancy will broaden its focus and will advocate gambling responsibility to all women’s regional teams, the rookie camp and the county academies. Finally, in the program’s fourth year, EPIC will once again focus on the rookie camp and the professional cricket teams.

With such a schedule, EPIC Risk Management will reach cricketers across various backgrounds and skill levels, as it strives to mitigate gambling harm among athletes.

EPIC and PCA Glad to Continue Teaching Cricketers on Gambling’s Dangers

The PCA is excited to have the opportunity to work with EPIC. The association’s director of member services, Ian Thomas, mentioned that the PCA’s past collaborations with the consultancy have left a good impression. Thomas is sure that EPIC will not cut corners and will deliver an education of the highest standard. Because of this, the director is looking forward to expanding the partnership with the inclusion of women’s teams.

“The welfare of our members is always our first priority, so it’s important that we make all professional cricketers, as well as academy players, aware of the mental health implications that recreational gambling can pose with assistance from EPIC Risk Management,” Thomas added.

EPIC Risk Management shares the PCA’s sentiments, as its director of the UK and the rest of the world, Patrick Foster, said that the consultancy is delighted to continue its partnership with the association. He is happy about the fruitful 2021 that has seen EPIC providing educational sessions for local academies and women’s regional teams.

“The initial feedback from players has been really encouraging, with the squads showing great interest in the vital message we’ve been delivering; they’ve asked plenty of pertinent questions and demonstrated a lot of understanding how important an issue it is,” Foster concluded.

Teaching people to have a good grasp of gambling and its dangers is essential to ensuring a healthy betting ecosystem. EPIC Risk Management is a company that is dedicated to doing just that. In recent times, EPIC has made efforts to expand in the US and be able to spread its message to more people.

Categories: Business
Tags: globalsports
Yasmin Moore: Yasmin is an iGaming and gaming journalist with over 10 years of writing about various publications. Her experience spans the entirety of iGaming, traditional sports, as well as online poker. She is well-versed in every aspect of online gaming and her wealth of knowledge provides additional substance to our coverage.

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