November 16, 2022 3 min read

EGBA Says Personalized Safer Gambling Messaging Now More Than 60%

EGBA’s goal of promoting a strong culture for safer gambling has been hugely propelled forward this year, with results speaking volumes. Increased and improved communication with clients, contributions to research, and so much more in the Association’s only second year.

Sustainability Report 21/22

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) released its annual Sustainability Report 2021/2022. It focuses on the progress made by EGBA and its members in promoting and creating a safer and more sustainable gambling environment. According to the report, there’s been an increase of 700% in the number of personalized and targeted communications partners have sent to their customers in 2021 versus the prior period.

The overall number of safer gambling communications sent to customers was 38 million – a 123% increase compared to last year. Of those, more than 60% were accounted for by the number of personalized and targeted communication, or around 22.5 million. The remaining 15.5 million communication fell in the general communication category, the report says.

The sustainability report doesn’t only focus on this metric alone, however. It also takes into account multiple other factors. Two of these were the use of safer gambling tools by customers, and voluntary contributions to European sports. Both metrics scored good improvements, with around 50% of customers using at least one tool for safer gambling, and a 22% yearly increase to €499 million (approximately US$520 million) in contributions through sponsorships and streaming rights payments.

EGBA’s Strong Second Year

This was EGBA’s second yearly report, and the Association has been laser-focused on achieving a deeper understanding of problem gambling for this round. The first year’s focus was to promote a safer gambling environment and bring more partners on board with the initiative.

This second round has seen more refined and purposeful action on EGBA’s side, keeping it very busy throughout the year. This naturally builds upon last year’s achievements. The sole act of founding EGBA was indicative that Europe is taking the sustainability of the gambling industry very seriously, and during its first year, it managed to outline and promote higher standards for data protection, showed its commitment to more responsible gambling advertising, and joined the battle to reduce gambling advertising on illegitimate streaming websites.

In its second year, it tackled an enormous task in its anti-money laundering efforts by releasing its Pan-European guidelines and issuing a study focusing on Europe’s problem gambling screening tools. This laid the groundwork for potentially establishing a common framework across European countries on the development and implementation of comparable tools.

EGBA doesn’t hesitate in employing third parties to evaluate its members. Just last month KMPG released a report, commissioned by EGBA, assessing the capacity of EGBA’s members in Denmark and the UK on multiple standards, including customer protection, which the examined members excelled at.


Kyamil is a big tech fan, who loves hummus on everything and has enjoyed writing from a young age. From essays, through personal art, to news pieces and more serious tech analysis. In recent years he’s found fintech and gambling collide with all his interests, so he truly shares our core passion for the entire gambling scene and furthering the education of the mass citizen on these topics.

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