Our Editorial Process

How we provide content that is trustworthy, accessible, and accurate

GamblingNews aspires to be a world-class publication that delivers groundbreaking news from the world of online and land-based gambling.

Our team strives to provide readers with information that is accurate, trustworthy, and accessible, and that further enables stakeholders, executives, gambling specialists, consumers, regulators and lawmakers, among others, to stay well-informed on a range of topics.

The Editorial Process our publication use is developed internally and it’s based on our extensive experience in writing and reporting on events about the gambling industry.

To deliver on the ambitious goal of remaining at the front of gambling industry reporting, we have outlined four key pillars that help us maintain trust and bring value to readers. These pillars are as follows.

  1. Establishing ourselves as a trustworthy publication
  2. Aligning our writing with the highest journalistic standards
  3. Focusing on reporting accurately and inclusively
  4. Continuing monitoring and updating of content

Each of these four pillars is an underpinning principle we follow to the letter which enables us to create the most worthwhile content you may read in a free digital form.

1. Establishing GamblingNews as a Trustworthy Publication

News from the gambling industry is a continuous informational torrent. Our publication has hired and trained full-time writers and contributors who are constantly reminded of the core principle of building trust with the audience.

We are adamant about writing that is accessible, accurate, evidence-based, and clear. GamblingNews is open to differing points of view and opinions, but we remain committed to providing facts and reflecting on events such as they are.

In our line of work, we face challenges from stakeholders who attempt to control the media narrative. GamblingNews, however, remains committed to readers and presents facts that are verifiable and based on official and public domain sources by respected investigative journalists both inside and outside our team.

We value our readers’ trust and strive to do better with every material we publish on our website.

2. Aligning Our Writing with the Highest Journalist Standards

To help build trust and deliver meaningful information, we seek to only publish writing that is research-backed, honest, and comprehensive. We similarly do not pass judgment and do not let personal bias show in our writing on any topic.

GamblingNews is only interested in bringing you content that represents the facts as they are and ensures that we are writing on a level that meets global journalistic guild standards. Some of the processes we have internally are outlined here.

  • Training capable and knowledgeable individuals: While linguistic and industry knowledge are valued highly, we are constantly training and improving our team of writers and as a publication through the review of existing materials.
  • We select the brands we write about and promote: We strive to ensure that anything we write is based on fact and never swayed by a relationship with a third party. Our news is meant to only report stories as they are, and not withhold any information. We are particular about what brands we collaborate and communicate with as we value our reputation within the community.
  • Industry contributors and editors: We are actively reaching out and working with industry insiders to help guide our narrative at GamblingNews, allowing us to build pieces that are not just accurate, but pieces that allow us to better capture the essence of events ad deliver it in a way that has a strong informational value.
  • We are constantly in the loop: Our team is constantly informed about new developments. Over the years, we have built solid relationships with the industry which allows us to stay abreast of new events and report them timely and accurately.
  • Rigorous checking and publishing process: All our writers, contributors, and editors are continuously trained to ensure that the content that goes live is accurate, free of bias, and meets our aforementioned standards in full. We also ensure that content published on GamblingNews is edited by dedicated editors.

3. Focusing on Reporting Accurately and Inclusively

To make sure that our writing communicates facts fully and understandably, we have picked The Chicago Manual of Style for our writing. This allows us to not just write consistently across all of our articles, spanning thousands of publications, but also to report accurately, eliminating the need to worry about stylistics and focus on the information value of a piece of writing.

We strive to be transparent and approachable in our writing, tailoring it to a level that is understood and clear. Conscious language is a key guiding principle we have in mind when breaking new events from the industry, and we focus on fully understanding any industry developments before we share them with you.

This often requires collaboration with third parties and industry specialists in our efforts to continuously bring accurate and inclusive information. We are also aware of how the industry evolves and uses a language that, while understandable to professionals, is also simplified if needed to help the general public understand important developments in the sector.

4. Continuing Monitoring and Updating of Content

Our fourth pillar is also one of our most important. It’s important as it outlines our unending commitment to bringing you the best possible content and information, which is the result of consistency day after day, month after month, and year after year.

We are committed to bringing you the best possible content which means, updating our existing writing and materials. This allows you to stay informed and for our team to advance GamblingNews’ reputation as a trusted authority on industry developments.

Our team covers a range of topics, from B2C to B2B developments, regulatory changes, and responsible gambling initiatives. This is why we have a commitment to ongoing reporting, which we believe is aligned with our second pillar, maintaining rigorous standards.

This way we ensure that any reports, particularly those concerning legal cases, are completed from end to finish in order to flesh out the full picture and not inadvertently do harm to third parties.

We further update our pages and blogs on a bi-annual basis at the very minimum with hotfixes applied monthly. Our editorial team is trained to verify older news and strive to resolve any conflict between old and new coverage.

GamblingNews performs annual content reviews and is quick to act on feedback provided it’s based on factual grounds for the change of existing content. We reserve our right to refuse updates that we feel are biased or intentionally seek to mislead public opinion.

Evolving Editorial Processes and Policies

Our editorial processes and policies are not fixed in stone. Instead, we strive to deliver the highest level of content and writing for the gaming industry. We realize that this is a work in progress and our team is open to improvement as part of our daily writing.

These editorial pillars help us ensure that we do not stray from the right path and help us always deliver the information that we know you would appreciate and value.